Tuesday, November 15, 2005

tubular or flat?

I have these really cool shoes. They are Keens, and are moss green with 6 metallic eyelets. Keens are great because they have rubber toe protectors to take the brunt of my toe bashing/dragging on steps or bumps into stationary objects. But they have tubular laces which are CONSTANTLY coming undone. I think I tie my shoelaces like 15 times a day! Literally! And its not like its one shoe in particular. They even come undone when I double tie. I don't want to get rid of them because i think they make the shoes look cool. Although, flat shoelaces might give me an extra 30mins a day.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

stacks & piles

who has this problem? you know you have tons of stuff like magazines, cds, paperwork, bills etc. where do they all end up? in stacks and piles. they are all over the place. under the counter. on top of the counter. next to the stereo. on the desk. what to do. you could file it in a file cabinent- but really isn't that just an organized stack. maybe you could shelf it in a book case. but that's just a horizontal stack. maybe the best thing to do is to read and toss. read and toss. read and toss. why this obsession to keep things around. even better for some stuff would be read and shred, read and shred. i don't know.