Saturday, October 01, 2011

random post

its been a long time and i've been thinking about jumpsiding this blog! with all the connectivity there is now iPads, laptops, iphones you think it would be easy. then there are all the social networking real life and online when does one find time to blog about random stuff? do people even read blogs anymore? i guess they have to be linked to something else like facebook or google plus!

well here's my random post. cutest baby in the world! just looking at him makes me smile! how can your day not be brighten with this photo.. just look at those little teeth!

then there's the random photo of my desk. i realized wowsers ive got a lot of screens going on here. control center for all the brain work going on. and yes. that's a game on the left screen- what? it has great background music! uh huh.... lastly this little car just looks cool and i may be able to fit two of these in my garage. can you imagine me zipping around in this little thing. first saw it in spain. then in london. cool! they are showing up around town and saw a few in SF last week. gotta go test drive one soon! Fiat 500!

this concludes the once every 6 month blog about randomness. see you in march... or sooner!